Thanks for the memories

Our precious furry friend, Lindor slid quietly from us forever yesterday. He was 13 and his health had been in gradual decline over the last year or so.

Followers of my blog have seen him often in my posts as he was my constant companion. Usually on photo shoots, he stole the spotlight and either messed up my shot or created a hilarious diversion. Here are a few: Long-suffering Lindor, Ripple Reflection, Sparkle, Dance at DawnK9 Bath and my favourite Play with Me.

It seems fitting that he left us when there was still snow on the ground. He loved the snow and would seek out to ‘bathe’ in the smallest remnants of winter as spring moved in. His memory will warm us for seasons to come.


long suffering Lindor

While I watched, through the lense of my camera, these ducklings nap…
I heard some activity behind me, then silence.
Using my iPhone as a rear-view mirror, this is what I saw:

Sweet, ever-playful Lindor waited patiently for my attention.

Winter swim

Part of our daily routine in winter is getting out for a walk with our chocolate lab, Lindor. He absolutely loves everything about being outside. He’s happy, happy to trot along side us down the road but is extra happy fetching anything we throw for him in deep snow. Although I’ve shared this shot before (below), it is so typical and makes me laugh every time I see it.

Focus of attention

My regular photo shoot companion, our 9 year old chocolate Lab, Lindor, is usually content to amuse himself while I examine the surroundings through the lense of my camera. Every now and then, tho’, he makes note of the direction I’ve aimed the camera and casually moves across my view! This day, I was looking to capture the pussy willow look of snow on the tag alders and willows when there he was! Silly dog.