March 2016

Looking forward to seeing the blue of fresh not frozen water!

free desktop calendar march 2016_1600x900

The graphic above fits screen resolution of 1600 x 900. Also available: 1440 x 900

Frosty Fall Morning

In my typical last minute form, I had no photo for the October desktop calendar at the end of September. I was fortunate to be out early this morning while in Thunder Bay and caught early light at the Fort William Golf and Country Club not far from my grandsons’ school. What a beautiful morning it turned out to be!

free desktop calendar Oct 2015_1440x900Although I was limited to walking the pathways due to frost on the grass (footsteps could kill it I was told), there were ample promising scenes. This one ended up being my favourite. Hope you like it.
Specific screen resolution options are available here.


The last two posts feature images of a misty morning shot from the shore of Agimak Lake. I was determined to shoot from the water at the next opportunity. Each night, I made sure my gear was ready for an early morning departure. A crisp morning not days later started off crystal clear but ground fog moved in thick and fast. Setting off from shore I headed straight out of our bay in the direction of ‘my’ island.

kayak in the mistIt wasn’t long before I was in a silent dome of fog, no shoreline in sight. It was only slightly unnerving. I knew I couldn’t get lost and that the mist would eventually burn off.  I kept the sun on my 8 o’clock which should take me on a direct line out form the shore and to the island. Directly on my 2 o’clock, a bright arch began to appear. You can see just a hint of it in the image above. My camera had a difficult time processing the arch alone but as the fog lifted, the arch remained and became more defined.

kayak to island with arch of fogI’ve never seen anything like this before. We’ve lived here almost 30 years. This summer has certainly provided some remarkable sights!

fog arch over island



Up wind surprise

Yesterday we were able to get away to our private cottage (camp) for a night to decompress after some stressful work days. This morning Lindor & I headed down to the dock to enjoy the solitude and warmth of the rising sun. While sipping my coffee, I was startled to hear a rustle and splashing down the shore from me. I looked expectantly for a loon or other water bird but found to my surprise, a young bull moose wandering out from the brush and into the water for breakfast in the reeds. Realizing I had neglected to bring my DSLR down the 22 steps, I reached for my phone (always on me) to capture what I could before he noticed me or my dog. Both brown boys were oblivious to each other as the moose was up wind of me and Lindor was exploring the shoreline in the opposite direction!

Young bull moose grazing
iPhone capture

I finally gave in to the temptation to move and as quietly as I could, snuck up to the cabin to notify Brad, distract Lindor and grab the DSLR from inside the cabin. In my excitement, I let the screen door close not so quietly behind me which alerted the moose to our presence. I managed 1 quick shot before he took cover in the greenery. I don’t plan to leave my DSLR behind next peaceful dock time!!

Young bull moose in the move
Moose on the move
Young bull moose on the move close up
Moose on the move – cropped


fall mist

There are so many reasons to love fall. Clear skies seems so much bluer in the cooler air. Of course, all the vibrant shades of the rainbow are painted on the hillsides take your breath away. But one of my favourite autumn things is a calm misty morning at the lake.

fall mist at dock


One of the stops on our January business trip was at Canal Park, Duluth MN. Our hotel was at the edge of the harbour on Lake Superior. The morning light was so gentle.
superior morning
superior lighthouse