Successful cycle! – Part 1

Having discovered a monarch caterpillar on our milkweed, we moved it inside with some milkweed not only to protect it but to observe its complete transformation to a butterfly and then release it.

We watched as it spun silky thread to hang from upside down.

Then when we weren’t looking, it was a green chrysalis!

Since it wasn’t going to need any of the remaining milkweed I carefully prepared to clean out the container. I was surprised to find a tiny caterpillar had stowed away on some of the milkweed from the garden!

It was at this time we had a visit from our 2 youngest grand kids. They were intrigued with the chrysalis and enjoyed watching the hungry, little caterpillar grow by the day.

Meanwhile the chrysalis hanging from the top of the container had begun to change…

We knew it wouldn’t be long before the magic happened but we had a ‘game to catch’. On our return about an hour and a half later…

The gender marking was clear on his wings. It took about an hour for his wings to dry and he began to stretch. We carefully took him outside and gave him a chance to continue the ‘warm up before taking off’. After a quick ‘good bye’, he was gone.

Meanwhile the other caterpillar had been busy preparing for his or her next stage. It had already been hanging in the its ‘J’ shape and had started to shrivel up. We had been keeping a close eye throughout the day but while we eating dinner, it happened! We had just missed the skin falling off but caught the chrysalis in the wiggly, jiggly green blob stage.

We feel very blessed to have been able, in one week, to share the full cycle of this wonder of God’s creation with our grand kids! ❤

June 2013 calendar

Here’s my June desktop calendar. Feel free to use it, too.

For different screen resolutions, go to the free calendar tab above, drop down to select June or click desktop calendar June 2013 1440x900

taking flight

It’s graduation time. Here’s my wish for Marc, Meagan, Hali R and Amy D.

uncontrolled airspace

Our lilac bush has been alive with fluttering creatures.

tiger swallow

orange sulpher

red admiral

mourning cloak

I couldn’t find this last one in my butterfly book. Anyone know?