Happy and Handsome

Our Silver Lab, Mac had a great time with us at camp this week. He did a lot of fetching and a lot of swimming; often at the same time 😉

During one of his breaks, he calmly posed on the dock for me. (Note my shadow in the foreground as I snapped a test shot.)

What a beautiful boy!

For the record, Mac was not my only happy and handsome boy at camp. (Love you, too, Brad)

Cottager Cover!

One of the things I love about taking photos is capturing something not many people get to see. The milky way shot I got last summer is one of my favourites of 2017. I submitted it to a few photo contests and was pleased to have it chosen ‘winner’ by The Cottager magazine.

The magazine editor (and contest judge) writes. “This photo might be chosen for best title as well, if that were part of the contest” Glad he liked it.

Here’s the description that accompanied the photo submission:
On Agimak Lake in Ignace we seldom have the combination of conditions required for an exceptional night sky shot: calm, clear and dark (no moon). The evening leading up to this shot presented all three. My neighbour granted permission to use her dock and chairs for a set up. My yard has a security light that would ‘pollute’ the scene. Just around midnight with only my mobile phone flashlight for light, I set up the scene and my camera. Using a Canon 7D mounted on a tripod with a 11-18mm lens open as wide as possible, I took a number of 30 second shots. Each time the shutter was open, I turned my cell phone flashlight on and quickly ‘painted’ the chairs with light. This one was my favourite.

This image is available for purchase on canvas or fine art paper for framing. I’d be happy to discuss options with anyone interested. Check out the Prints page for pricing and other images available.

August 2016 calendar

free desktop calendar august 2016_1600x900

Summer is flying by! Hope that if you haven’t already spent time on or near a body of water, you will soon.

Desktop resolution options can be found here or from the FREE CALENDAR drop down list.

Up wind surprise

Yesterday we were able to get away to our private cottage (camp) for a night to decompress after some stressful work days. This morning Lindor & I headed down to the dock to enjoy the solitude and warmth of the rising sun. While sipping my coffee, I was startled to hear a rustle and splashing down the shore from me. I looked expectantly for a loon or other water bird but found to my surprise, a young bull moose wandering out from the brush and into the water for breakfast in the reeds. Realizing I had neglected to bring my DSLR down the 22 steps, I reached for my phone (always on me) to capture what I could before he noticed me or my dog. Both brown boys were oblivious to each other as the moose was up wind of me and Lindor was exploring the shoreline in the opposite direction!

Young bull moose grazing
iPhone capture

I finally gave in to the temptation to move and as quietly as I could, snuck up to the cabin to notify Brad, distract Lindor and grab the DSLR from inside the cabin. In my excitement, I let the screen door close not so quietly behind me which alerted the moose to our presence. I managed 1 quick shot before he took cover in the greenery. I don’t plan to leave my DSLR behind next peaceful dock time!!

Young bull moose in the move
Moose on the move
Young bull moose on the move close up
Moose on the move – cropped


July 2014

Hi. My name is Karen and I am a procrastinator.

If it wasn’t for the last minute, I might not get anything done! My problem is that the list of things I should be doing and want to be doing is unrealistically long and my decision-making skills are too weak to time manage effectively. Has anyone else out there borrowed time management help books from the library and returned them unread (and late) having not been able to make time to read them?!

Phew. I feel slightly better having expressed that; not sure it will help but it explains why the calendar is late and the photo quality less than usual. I took the photo this morning with my iPhone 5. My DSLR and gear got left behind at my daughter’s place during a recent visit and I won’t have it back until the week end. Of course I hadn’t scheduled time to capture a calendar worthy photo prior to being away at the end of the month nor had weather conditions been suitable until this picture perfect, calm lake, clear sky morning. It actually, finally feels like a summer day!

What does this scene invite you to do? Don’t you just want to run and jump off the end of this dock? Or dip your toes in the glassy water? Or set out in kayak or canoe to explore the distant shore? Where ever and however you choose to savour such days, enjoy!

free desktop calendar July 2014_1440x900

Sunset Country Sky Calendar

The area in which I live has been designated by our provincial tourism body as “Sunset Country”.  We regularly get spectacular vistas throughout the year. Of course, those over the water are most beautiful because of the duplication created in the reflection. Part of my daily routine includes checking the west sky for colour as the sun dips below the horizon. Last June we were treated to one of the most colourful skies I have seen. The processors in my camera had difficulty dealing with the vibrant hues.

So, here is a desktop calendar for you to download and enjoy. For different screen resolutions, drop down the Free Calendar menu for June 2014.

free desktop calendar june 2014_1440x900