July 2015

Fireworks are part of of every Canada Day (July 1) celebration. I love that some flowers look like fireworks when in full bloom. Here are some to enjoy this month.

free desktop calendar July 2015_1440x900

These wildflowers are blue-bead lilies named for the blue fruit that remains on the stem after the blossoms have died off. They are not poisonous but also not very tasty.

My apologies to those of you who were looking for the calendar before it was up. I’ve been delightfully distracted by the first time gathering of all 6 of our grandkids. 🙂

happy growing family

May 2013

Free desktop calendar 2013-05_1440x900
Although it will be a while before the tulips in my garden emerge, we can enjoy these spectacular beauties captured at Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island last spring. For more shots from that visit, here is the post.
For different screen resolutions, select Free Calendar from the menu at the top of the page, then May 2013. Happy Spring!

backlit daffodil boquet

Happy Mother’s Day!
I am so blessed to have a precious mother and mother-in-law. These two women are fantastic role models; wives of 55 and 56 years, respectively. I’m so glad they are in my life and in the lives of my children and grandchildren!
And I am also SO thankful for my very special daughters and daughter-in-law that are loving mothers (and aunt) to my beautiful grandchildren. To Krista and Caralyn and Jo, I send my love.
Daffodils in my garden backlit by the setting sun.


Thankfully, I have no spring allergies. I feel for those of you who do. Just think, tho’, if spring came early, it will likely leave early, too. 🙂I was surpeised to see shades of pink, orange and green in the tiny pods of pollen!