Summer Skies

Just had to utilize the July storm sky panorama for the calendar this month. This particular composite was made from images captured before the sun was completely obscured by the incoming cloud (see previous post).

Alternate resolutions of the calendar as well as a mobile phone wallpaper are available here.

After having recently lost my phone, I started including ‘if found…’ info with my hubby’s number on my lock screen image. If you would like a custom version with your info on it, just email the request and I’ll prep and email it to you; no charge.

A table for Two

Forty years ago today, we set out on a journey together as husband and wife. A few years later , the ‘table for two’ became 3 then 4 then 5. A decade and a half later (ish) two flew the coupe then a few years later our baby left the roost.

Over the following years additions to the families of our precious offspring eventually increased the number of ‘arrows in our quiver’ to 13! We look forward to a gathering of this precious group very soon but today on the day of our 40th wedding anniversary, it’s a lakeside table for two (even dusted off the wedding china!)

Side note: We planned to eat our yummy dinner of blue cheese encrusted tenderloin and strawberry pecan salad in the porch then decided the outdoor photo would be more impressive. The temperature went from 25 C to 30 something in the short time we prepped dinner! We ended up wimping out and retreated to enjoy the view from the cool air conditioning inside our little house on the lake.

Loving life together!

Sunrise, Sunset

May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace.

Happy dance

It’s summer!!

Our daughter’s Vizsla loves to try and catch droplets of water kicked up by the kids. I took dozens of burst images to capture some of his crazy contortions. This was my favourite.

Babbling Brook

Happy July!

Vacation’s around the corner

Hope you have some fantastic summer vacation plans!

For those of you that have that big screen desktop, the 1660×900 resolution image can be found by dropping down the Free Calendar menu for June 2018.

Be water smart this summer. Wear your life jacket when boating!