Launch at dawn

Any day you get to head out on the water is a good day! Hope August brings such days for you. Enjoy!

August 2016 calendar

free desktop calendar august 2016_1600x900

Summer is flying by! Hope that if you haven’t already spent time on or near a body of water, you will soon.

Desktop resolution options can be found here or from the FREE CALENDAR drop down list.

May 2016

The ice left our lake April 24th which is just a bit early in the range of normal.

It was unspectacular.

Some years, we are treated to delicate ice crystals dancing up on our shore line, some years winds push chunks of ice up as if there was a bulldozer on the other side of the lake. No matter how long it takes or how it looks and sounds in the process, the end result – beautiful blue – is one of my favourite views.

free desktop calendar May 2016_1440x900

Screen resolutions: 1440×900 or 1600×900

the popular vote

Wasn’t the  John Scott/NHL All Star story inspiring and entertaining?

That emotionally satisfying event combined with the heartfelt comments from so many of you regarding the absence of desktop calendars (and the need to have something on my own desktop), motivated me to whip up a desktop calendar for February.

For simplicity sake this is an image I have used before and I did not set a specific screen resolutions. If you find the size doesn’t work well for you, please let me know. I will gladly make adjustments if they are requested.

Your input is important and very much appreciated.


The last two posts feature images of a misty morning shot from the shore of Agimak Lake. I was determined to shoot from the water at the next opportunity. Each night, I made sure my gear was ready for an early morning departure. A crisp morning not days later started off crystal clear but ground fog moved in thick and fast. Setting off from shore I headed straight out of our bay in the direction of ‘my’ island.

kayak in the mistIt wasn’t long before I was in a silent dome of fog, no shoreline in sight. It was only slightly unnerving. I knew I couldn’t get lost and that the mist would eventually burn off.  I kept the sun on my 8 o’clock which should take me on a direct line out form the shore and to the island. Directly on my 2 o’clock, a bright arch began to appear. You can see just a hint of it in the image above. My camera had a difficult time processing the arch alone but as the fog lifted, the arch remained and became more defined.

kayak to island with arch of fogI’ve never seen anything like this before. We’ve lived here almost 30 years. This summer has certainly provided some remarkable sights!

fog arch over island



Optical Prism?

While shooting the spectacular morning of previous post, I noticed a bright patch of light to the right side of the island.

island in the mist

At first I thought it was a beam of sunlight breaking through the mist but as the morning brightened and at closer look, a spectrum of colour was clear.

surface prism

The full range of colour became even clearer as it seemed to stretch and move closer to shore.

fog generated prism on lake

Physics was not a strong subject of mine in school and is still a challenge to process. Even searching on line to find what this is or how it is formed made my head hurt. The best (simplest) info I found was this Wikipedia article for ‘prism‘. What I do know is it was a treat to notice and capture it.