September 2015

Why do summers seem to slip by past so fast?!

Much as I love fall when leaves change colour, the mornings are crisp and cool but the sun still embraces with comforting warmth, I hasten to rush away the too few warm days offered in our part of the world.

Time ticks on and seasons change. Happy Fall y’all!

This image is taken at Raleigh Falls which is just 15 km west of Ignace. There’s a beautiful picnic area just off the highway (a picnic table sits just to the left of the frame). There’s also a geocache nearby. It’s definitely worth a stop for a stretch and breather when passing by.

free desktop calendar September 2015_1440x900

For specific screen resolutions of the calendar click here or drop down the “Free Calendar’ tab in the menu above and select September 2015.

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